3 Statistics About Home Staging to Show You Why It’s Worth the Investment

Affordable Home Staging in Washington D.C.If you’re getting ready to sell your house, then your agent and the internet have probably already informed you about how important it is to stage your home. But as you’re listening to or reading about the many reasons why home staging is a crucial component of your sale, you’re probably mostly thinking, “so how much is this going to cost?

Considering all of the costs associated with a home sale already, we totally get why you might be wary about adding another expense. However, home staging is an investment (that you can make even on a budget!) that pays for itself many times over—and we have the numbers to back it up.

1) 82% of buyers’ agents reported that staging made it easier for buyers to visualize a property as their future home.

This stat comes from a survey of agents done by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in 2020, and proves just how big of a difference staging really makes. Home staging highlights lifestyle opportunities in a property that get buyers more emotionally invested (and make them more likely to overlook flaws).

2) Buyers are willing to pay 1%-5% more of the dollar value on a staged vs. an unstaged home.

In the same 2020 NAR survey, 23% of both buyers’ and sellers’ agents reported a 1%-5% price increase in offers for staged homes, compared to similar unstaged properties. We see this because staging increases the perceived value of a property by proactively addressing some of the most common issues buyers have.

3) After investing in home staging, sellers in 2020 saw an average ROI of approximately 5%-15% over asking price.

A 2020 survey by the Real Estate Staging Association reported that the average amount of money sellers invested in home staging services was about 1% of their total sale value. Approximately 75% of those sellers saw the 5%-15% return on investment, thanks to more interest generated and those higher offers received.

With an easy and affordable DIY home staging package from Stage2Go, you can reap all the benefits of home staging services without the scary price tag. Simply choose your décor and furniture sets, set them up when they’re delivered, and watch them work their magic.

Start exploring our staging solutions online today!